They say inventions derive as a result of a necessity. Same is true for the BowdupLoader™. I started hunting at the age of 41 and now at 47 I have already realized the challenges faced after years of heavy lifting and ignoring the strain put on my back. After a successful hunt in 2012 with my wife’s Uncle Dave I bagged my second buck. The loading process resulted in a backflip off his atv and landing face down. It was at that point I realized something was needed to take the “Strain out of loading Game”. Uncle Dave often hunts alone and requires assistance for loading. I returned home and began looking for something that would assist in loading the game on Uncle Dave’s Polaris Ranger and could not find anything that would resolve the strain problem. Looking over the Ranger design I realized the solution….. “The BowdupLoader™”.
Considerations for the design:
The first loader was field tested in Missouri by Uncle Dave with all positive results. I had the opportunity to take my daughter to Missouri for the year-end youth hunt weekend. My daughter and I got the opportunity to test the loader ourselves when she bagged her first buck at 14 yrs. old. Proud daddy didn’t have to ruin the moment by overexerting the old back to load her trophy, the BowdupLoader™ handled it effortlessly.
Yea, I’ve been told, hers is bigger….. My response: As a father I have fulfilled my responsibility by giving her a straight shooting rifle, demonstrated knowledge to bag a big buck and now the BowdupLoader to bring it home she just has to talk her mother into cleaning it. Some reason they still think that’s Daddy’s job……
Please take a moment to visit™ to see it in action and give it consideration for your UTV loading needs around your property as well as in your hunting pursuits. Don’t forget to tell a friend about us.
We’re not looking to make a load or kill’en but to provide a functional quality product to meet a necessity,
Arty Kleinatland, President
InnerCircle Designs LLC